A Lasting Strength

Fight this devastating disease.
Give ALS patients their lives back.
Change what it means to live with ALS.

Our Mission

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a devastating and always fatal neurodegenerative disease that presents with progressive muscular weakness and wasting. Since motor functions become severely limited, many daily life activities become extremely difficult or impossible.

Our primary mission at A Lasting Strength is to raise the public's awareness of ALS with community outreach. We want to help pALS (people/patients with ALS) change what it means to live with this disease by providing connections to resources and organizations that are dedicated to supporting and improving their lives.

About the Name

Why A Lasting Strength?

ALS robs its victims of physical strength but not their mental or spiritual strength. We chose this name to change what ALS takes away into a force of hope and extra-physical strength. Read or listen to the stories of those who live with and have fought ALS, and you can see they all have something in common—a lasting strength.

© 2024 A Lasting Strength
Change What It Means to Live with ALS
EIN: 87-2705522